Writing a custom UserConfirmation modal with the React Router Prompt

A person up in arms about wanting custom modals in their Prompt component

This is a short walkthrough on how to use React-Router’s v5 Promptcomponent to replace the built in user confirmation window object with your own custom UserConfirmation modal.

There is another really good article about blocking the navigation to prevent the default modal so that we can render our own custom component instead. They briefly mention an alternative method that involves utilizing BrowserRouter and the getUserConfirmation prop, which is exactly the solution this post covers!

Briefly Behind the Scenes

Without going into too much detail, essentially you can trace the Prompt component all the way through RouterContext, Router and BrowserRouter.

BrowserRouter is where the magic begins. Specifically where the history prop is created on line 11. react-router uses createBrowserHistory to create our rendered history prop as an extension of the window.history that’s available in any browser. If you look in createBrowserHistory, you’ll also see the final layer of our confirmation window which comes from the initialization of getUserConfirmation from getConfirmation defined in DomUtils. This is where the default modal gets defined as a window object.

export function getConfirmation(message, callback) {

Creating our Custom UserConfirmation modal

Since we are opting out of the window object and replacing it with our own custom component, we not only need to render a nicer modal but we also need to include all of the functionality for canceling and confirming the callback.

Remember that getUserConfirmation is initialized in BrowserRouter and is what determines what our confirmation modal displays. So wherever you’re initializing your application with BrowserRouter is where we’re going to pass our custom component into the getUserConfirmation prop.

And you’re ready to go! You’re now overwriting the default window component and rendering your own custom UserConfirmation (even if it might not exist yet).

So let’s make it happen!

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Dialog } from "evergreen-ui"

const UserConfirmation = (message, callback) => {
   const container = document.createElement("div");
   container.setAttribute("custom-confirmation-navigation", "");

   const closeModal = (callbackState) => {

         onCacel={() => closeModal(false)}
         onConfirm={() => closeModal(true)}

export default UserConfirmation;

There are a few key things that we needed to happen in our custom component besides the UI. Since BrowserRouter and our custom component is rendered a layer above where our normal application is rendered, we start by initializing a container that we use to directly render the modal. Then we actually define what the container is rendering.

This is where we create the functionality of closing the modal through either a cancel or confirm action. In our closeModal function we unmount our manually rendered component and either push the user to the next location or stay at the location whether the Prompt was triggered. Fortunately, the callback function that is passed from Prompt makes sending the user to the next location or staying on the page really simple for us. All we need to pass callback is a boolean that tells us whether the user wants to proceed with going to their next location or doesn’t. So, when the user clicks “Cancel” we can call callback(false) and likewise when they click “OK” we call callback(true).

And that’s it! You’re done.

But I want more than a message and a callback

This is the part where most people would choose another solution because they want additional customization of the modal that go outside the two props that are given to us.

Sadly, that is a legitimate concern. We can attempt to alleviate this a little by a manipulating our message prop. Our Prompt component will only accept a string into message. So what we can do here is pass in a stringified JSON object with key-value pairs of things we’d like to have additional control over and then parse them out later.

           "confirmText": "Continue",
           "messageText": "It looks like you might have some unsaved
                       changes! Are you sure you want to continue?",
           "cancelText": "Do not Continue"

Then in our UserConfirmation modal instead of using message directly to display text we need to create a textObj that we use to reference our customized text keys.

const textObj = JSON.parse(message);

   onCacel={() => closeModal(false)}
   onConfirm={() => closeModal(true)}

Now we’re at least going beyond a one dimensional modal that only allows us to customize the prompt message displayed to the user. Similarly, you could use the message prop to conditionally determine what to render. If we hadn’t passed for example a cancelText, then in our Evergreen Dialog we could choose to set hasCancel to false so we’re only rendering a confirm button and not a close icon.

If you have any questions or feedback please leave a comment below! You can follow me on Medium and Github to see more fun stuff I’m working on. Special thanks to Joerg Baier for helping me work through and understand this solution and many of my other coworkers at Rabbet for giving me helpful feedback on this article.